학회발표 전체 제목 내용 검색 번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회 12 [최동식]Identification and enrichment of BSG-carrying EV subtype derived from oncogenic BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cells 관리자 2024-02-29 0 11 [최동식]Heterogeneity and Uptake of Extracellular Vesicles Affected by Oncogenic RAS and RAF 관리자 2024-02-29 0 10 [최동식]Selective sorting of extracellular vesicle subtype by nano-flow cytometry 관리자 2024-02-29 0 9 [ 최동식]Detection and Sorting of Extracellular Vesicle Subtype 관리자 2024-02-29 0 8 [송호연]Autophagy induction by probiotic Lacticaseibacillus strain for Mycobacterium tuberculosis reduction 관리자 2024-02-29 0 7 [송호연]Efficacy of probiotic Bifidobacterium against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 관리자 2024-02-29 0 6 [송호연]An Approach for Selective Isolation of Probiotics based on Metagenomics Data using Culturomics Technique 관리자 2024-02-29 0 5 [송호연]In-vitro screening of probiotic properties and immunomodulatory effects of lactic acid bacteria isolated from postmenopausal Korean women 관리자 2024-02-29 0 4 [김기영]GSK-3β Inhibition alleviates motor neuron defects induced by TDP-43 expression in astrocyte 관리자 2024-02-29 0 3 [최동식]AS07 Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders 관리자 2024-02-29 0 1 2 3 4